One of the main reasons homeowners renovate their kitchens is to improve the aesthetics and the layout in favor of more efficiency and a natural flow. A tight and cramped cooking area can cause a lot of stress, especially at meal times when everyone seems to flock there. Many people say the kitchen is the heart of any home. Keep that in mind when considering a new layout so the heart of your home doesn't become the heartache of your home.
Avoid Common Layout Mistakes
The sink, the stove and the refrigerator are the three main focus points of any kitchen and according to our experts, all three must be positioned in an unobstructed triangle to promote smooth flow and synergy. Placing any item in the path of this trianglewill disrupt the flow and make orientation a little awkward. When considering your new layout, you should always look at where you would like the sink to be placed. The main reason for this is the complexities of the plumbing work that may be needed, so it's something you need to consider before planning the rest of the kitchen. Neglecting to pay attention to adequate lighting and ventilation is also a huge mistake.
Storage And Counter Space Options
Kitchens often need to hold a lot of stuff. There are pots, pans, appliances, utensils and all kinds of dishes that need a proper space to be stored. If the available area is a little too small, consider cabinets that go all the way from the floor to the ceiling. At the very least have cupboards along the entire wall so you can have a place for everything. Counter space is another thing there never seems to be enough of. People these days love their kitchen appliances, and apart from wanting to keep them on counter tops where they're readily available to use, there still needs to be plenty of space for meals to be prepared.
Consult A Professional
We all know what we like, but sometimes what we like isn't very practical. When considering the layout for your new kitchen don’t overlook the wisdom of consulting with an expert. Professionals have the expertise to look at your available space and offer you great suggestions that you may not think about right away. You never know what the latest trends are, and you may like what you hear. Contact our team at Drywall Repair & Remodeling Moorpark to consult with our experts on the different kitchen layout options available to you.